Total Jain Temples listed = 9,632 (as on 5th March 2025)
Jainism gives paramount importance to “DEV, SHASHTRA & GURU”.
Daily visit to Jain temple is considered to be an integral part of a Jain Shravak’s life. Actually it is one of the three basic ethics which are considered to be related to Jain way of life i.e. (1) Daily visit to “Jinalaya”; 2. Use of Chhanna (filtered) water; 3. Take food before sunset.
To enable each and every Jain Shravaka to have a daily “Jin Darshan”, whether he/she is in any part of the country/world, it is a must to have information about all sites related to Jainism (Digamber/ Shwetamber/ Sthanak etc.). is the biggest source of information about all Jain Temples in India and abroad.